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To my business owner friends...

You. Have. Arrived.  You made it through the dreaded first 5 years and you’re still here.  No small feat, my friend.  You’ve paid your dues, ridden the wave, took your ups with your downs and figured things out along the way.  You’ve outsourced tasks and are better for it.  You value the good resources and people in your sphere and your clients love you.  Take a moment and breathe it in.  This didn’t happen overnight and it wasn’t luck.  You earned it.  You persevered.  You ROCK!

So how do you level up?  By making sure you run a tight ship.  That means no waste, no excess, everything in its place.  How do you do that?  Data, baby.  You’ve got, or at least had, a bookkeeper and the numbers don’t lie.  It’s time to look at what you’ve got and use it to make strategic, well thought out business decisions.  Let’s review those financial statements and put them to good use.  Are there areas you can reduce spending?  Are there income streams you’re not optimizing?  Are you on budget?  You have a budget, right?  How about your systems?  Are you using technology, rules and automation to your advantage?  Are you spending your valuable time wisely, doing the things only you can do?  Now is the time to maximize what you’ve worked so hard to build.  Make it work for you, not the other way around.


If you’re feeling less than stellar about your financial situation – whether it’s the bank balance or the bookkeeping that stresses you out – we’ve got you covered.

Money stuff can create feelings of shame, guilt and my least favorite, “should”. We feel like because we’re business owners we “should” understand where our money’s going. We “should” understand our financial reports.

Well, I’ve got news for you: unless your business is accounting, you don’t come out of the box knowing that stuff! We’ve all got our specialties and it’s ok if that isn’t yours. The good news? We can help! Whether you need your books set up, cleaned up, caught up or just done for you, we’re here. If you want to do them yourself but you’re not sure how, we'll teach you!

Yes, this!

People Advisory

Did you know that there is a direct correlation with employee happiness and your bottom line?  Here are some stats to prove it:

According to Forbes Magazine, there is a 20% increase in productivity when employees are happy and engaged with their job. And Harvard Business review tells us that when your sales team is happy, you can expect to see an increase in sales of 37%! 

Your people are your greatest asset.  Genesis can help with all things People including payroll (both setup and processing), team onboarding and offboarding, document management, timesheets and PTO, benefits administration, record keeping and compliance, team engagement and data driven insights and analysis.

More info please!


Do you spend your days answering emails and scheduling appointments? And your nights worrying you've forgotten tasks? Or maybe you've just reached that level of success in your business that leaves you with a constant feeling of overwhelm.

Whatever the case may be, systems can save you!  Let's free you from the daily admin grind, enhance your client experience and free up some time.

Our team specializes in helping frazzled solopreneurs create and master their workflows with ease. We can help you find the right tools to help your business stay in motion - even when you're not there.  Cut out the repetitive work and get more business with less busywork.

Tell me more!
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